You Cant You Have To Be Their Friend In Order To See Their Myspace. Make An Undercover Myspace And Dont Put Any Info On It And Add Them And Hope That They Accept Or If You Know Anyone Else That Has A Myspace And Has That Person You Wanna See's Myspace As A Friend Call Them Up And Tell Them Your Gonna Come Over To Snoop/Check Some Stuff Out.
How can u view a [private profile on myspace? I am so frustrated, this person is ruining my marriage!!!!!?
Sorry, you can't unless you are their friend. But you can certainly block their profile, it that's what you'd like to do.
How can u view a [private profile on myspace? I am so frustrated, this person is ruining my marriage!!!!!?
get a myspace account, add them as a friend, and when they accept, check out their profile. Although this method might not work too well, it really depends on the person, if they don't care, they will add just about anyone as their friend. (I suggest using a fake name, and use a sex that is the opposite of the person you are trying to see).
How can u view a [private profile on myspace? I am so frustrated, this person is ruining my marriage!!!!!?
i dont think you can see their profile if its private unless they add you as a friend. you may want to check with other people who have them as their friend if they could let you see their profile.
How can u view a [private profile on myspace? I am so frustrated, this person is ruining my marriage!!!!!?
if the profile is private, it's nothing you can do. close your account and this person cannot "ruin your marriage". Make yourself private.
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