Sunday, November 29, 2009

Private Myspace?

My daughter has a private myspace account and I thinks she is doing inappropriate stuff. I foolishly taught her every thing I new about computers and she cleans her myspace off the computer and all I know is her ID and I can never find her password, I need a way to view her profile. I've tried imitating a person, phishing, and keylogging. If you know a way please don't post it, but send it to

Private Myspace?

If you think she's doing something inappropriate, don't let her use the computer (depending on her age). There are programs that log keystrokes and/or take screenshots at set intervals. You should check into it if you intend to use it for good reason. Do a web search for 'free keylogger' or 'spy software' - something of that nature.

I have to warn you, though - if you are just using this software to invade privacy it can be illegal. But, if you own the computer, there's nothing wrong with it - especially if your daughter is underage.

Private Myspace?

I don't know if this works but I think that it's worth a try. Visit this website I found

It seems legitimate. Report It

Private Myspace?

i would say, your too overpretected. thats how my mom is feeling about me having a myspace, and it seems like u dont trust your own daughter!!!

Private Myspace?

UNPLUG the computer ... take away the keyboard.. if shes underage you hav eevery right to see what she is posting if shes being that sneaky you know its not good until she gives you teh password or makes her profile available to you no way

Private Myspace?

There was a program that would store anything that you typed on the keyboard (such as a password). I'll see if I can find the site for it. If I find it I will send it to you via email.

Private Myspace?

Sounds to me like you are a fraud trying to find ways to get into someone's account. A real parent would just take the computer away. Nice try.

Private Myspace?

How old is your daughter? You are her parent and you shouldn't have to sneak to see what she is doing. Simply sit her down at the computer and tell her to open up her profile so you can look at it right then and there. Still acting shady? Then take the computer away.

Private Myspace?

Assuming your daughter has a brain, she wont do anything too stupid.

Don't get to paraniod man.

Also, if you want help with your question, people will have to post stuff here. Otherwise, it defetes the purpose of Yahoo Answers.

Now then...tell me her ID. I'll become her friend and relay everything you need to know.

Private Myspace?

you have a right to feel the way you do about that sick sight. i have (herd guys say ) ho's go on that sight and desperate guys get on there and sexually harass girls. tell her if she can not let you see then she can't get on the computer again. myspace needs to be shut down.

Private Myspace?

You can email Tom about it to delete her profile if you feel she's doing some inappropriate.

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