Would you ever let your child go on myspace?
Do you have a myspace and do you feel its safe?
Even though myspace accounts can be kept private, pedafiles (i definatly spelt that wrong lol) can still find a back door to axcess private accounts!!
What are your views on this matter?
What is your view on myspace? I have a myspace account. Would I let my daughter?
Like anything else it would depend on her maturity. And like anything else she does online I would monitor her activity.
I would also teach her the rules, you know no meeting anyone in RL that she meets via myspace etc, that type of thing.
If common sense is used myspace and things like it can be a great and fun thing to do.
What is your view on myspace? i love it i go on my page every day of my life
What is your view on myspace? i think anything like that is too dangerous for a little child; when your child gets older, I would think it would be ok as long as the site is monitored
What is your view on myspace? I won't let my 16 year old have an account there, but I do. He's already proven to me that he will jeopordize his safety to chat with teens, and he doesn't even know them.
I feel I'm safe, because the people on my friend's list are people I actually do know in real life. Old classmates, old friends, new neighbors.
MySpace is fine if you take care of yourself first. Don't add someone you don't know to your list, and don't be stupid.
What is your view on myspace? Depending on the age of your child I see nothibng wrong with myspace as longs as a kids page is kept private and you the parent know the password so you know the information they are putting on there. I myslef have a myspace page and I am on it multiple times a day i love it, but it is the descretion of the parent
What is your view on myspace? i like myspace but its just getting out of controll
What is your view on myspace? I like it, but I am an adult and use it for friends and family.......my husband constantly yells at me saying that "its for little kids" I feel like this.......the pedofile can try to talk to another, but its up to the child to let them in........keep your child informed, have the profile marked private, and if your really worried, get a keylogger to make sure your child isnt risking her life or health....some may call that invasion of privacy...but if your concerned about your own underaged child, there is no harm in it....as along asyou are only looking for contact with strange men,,,and dont use it as a spy system to see if they are swearing or anything else...good luck on this.
What is your view on myspace? I'd let my daughter go on myspace when she's older (she's only 8 months) if it still existed, but I'd make sure I could monitor it somehow. Yes, I have a myspace, as does my husband. I'm 22, so I'm not exactly getting truckloads of pedophiles asking to be my friend, but I've made it a point not to accept anyone as a friend unless I have met them personally. Pretty much all my friends are either my family or people I went to high school with. I think myspace is fine if you are smart with it. Don't post provocative pictures of yourself or friends, don't put personal information (not even your last name!), and be smart about who you're letting be your friends. Also, don't think twice about reporting someone who's giving you the creeps on there, because you just may be right and they may be a pedophile.
What is your view on myspace? My 12 yo has a page that he never goes on anymore. I have one also. Pedophiles, btw.... :)
I think that MySpace is as safe as cautious the parents are and as educated the children are.
What is your view on myspace? I have a MySpace account but I would never let my kids have one. I use it to talk to friends and family who live far away. I don't have anyone on my friends list that I don't know. Bascially I use it responsibly. But I see a lot of young kids that have hundreds of friends and there's alot of freaks on there. It's not safe for kids to have a MySpace.
What is your view on myspace? I don't fell like it's safe. Once on Oprah a 13 y.o. girl was find and kidnapped by a man from the info on her myspace account. Even putting Go Tigers can help him find her. Oh yeah he did more to the girl than just kidnapp her if you know what I mean. What a terrible man.
What is your view on myspace? I think myspace is fine. I know you hear stories...but it really depends on your child. If your child knows better than to talk to strangers and give out personal information, they're okay. The world is dangerous everywhere, even at SCHOOLS. Just be sure they're not being stupid and they know the risk of any photographs/ word choices or information they use on the internet.
What is your view on myspace? i have a myspace account n i dont c nothing wrong with someone mayb 13 having a myspace pg
What is your view on myspace? My view is that myspace is an okay thing, it is just some of the people on it that are the problem. I don't have any kids, but I have a [private] myspace and I check it a couple times a day. It is pretty hard to access a private account if you are not someone's "friend" so lurking pedophiles would probably look for an easier target. I think that myspace can be a good thing; I like it a lot. Just educate your kid about the dangers of the internet and being smart when meeting new people, because ultimately, you/your kid is in control of the situation, and you can "just say no!" I don't think there is anything wrong with a sensible kid having a myspace.
What is your view on myspace? as long as u only talk 2 ppl u kno and certified celebrities
What is your view on myspace? I think it's beyond stupid.
What is your view on myspace? I am a teen I have a myspace my dad knows about it (doesnt check it out) its private and all my friends i know who they are i have either meet them in RL or one of my bestfriends has. I have less than 40 friends on my myspace. Some of my friends just adds who ever and it saddends me cuzz I know some of em are peds. If myspace is around when my kids are my age I will let them have a myspace as long as they dont add ppl they dont know. I also have a vampirefreaks i mostly have it but dont use it and VF is geard twards a diferent audience than myspace sortof. ok my opinions and me signing off
Luna T
What is your view on myspace? sorry no one under 18 should be on myspace its too dangerous
What is your view on myspace? I have myspace. I have it so they have to know my last name to add me.And nobody can see my pics but my friends and all that.You can set it up like that.I'm thinking about canceling it tho cuz i don't go on as much as i use to cuz i am always on here.
What is your view on myspace? Myspace is not a good place for kids. My 15yr. old daughter hates it. She has this to say about it ..."Myspace, killing friendships, one message at a time."
Myspace causes a lot of problems with kids slamming each other, posting rumors about each other, starting a bunch of mess, not to mention the many pervs on it.
I don't care for it ! My daughter doesn't have an account and neither do I.
What is your view on myspace? there is no reason why not to let a child have a page on there. my son has one and i keep track of it. also his page is private and just for someone to friend request him they have to know his last name or email address. anyways, you really just need to make sure you child is responsible and if they abuse it then take it away. but every child deserves at least a chance.
What is your view on myspace? Under disrection, maybe but I'd try to avoid MySpace at all costs really. There's not much point to it, there are other ways to keep track of old classmates.
What is your view on myspace? its kindas boring if ya childs not one of those gullable kids or the ones who dont cut themselves then its pretty ok.i have a space. i dont think u can find peoples info but its no big deal cuz you dont sign in that much info.its not for dating if it were i wouldnt be on if my childs friends were on here to talk i guess i would but if not proably not. ps i know i will get some votes against me but i dont care.
What is your view on myspace? myspace isnt bad. you just need to know how to change your privacy settings. you can allow only your friends to see your page. you can hide stuff with codes. all things like that. basically these peple who say that myspace is dangerous really doesnt understand that if you are careful on it, it aint that bad.
What is your view on myspace? Im 16 %26amp;%26amp; have a myspace
and i just add and talk to people i know
*myspace is only bad for little teenagers who think they are "OLD" *
What is your view on myspace? Heres My Opinion On Myspace.
If I had Kids I would let them go on myspace even though you can keep it "private" I had myspace at one time just to talk to my aunt but soon my account got hacked and took over everything. Never made one since. Although you can keep them private people who want to get in there WILL Get IN. The Myspace sites with the cool backgrounds and say " We Can Add This On Your Myspace Now Enter Your User Name/Password" Thoes websties are a scam and will change your accound settings to make it open to the public.
As a 14 year old, I think many kids can make better choices on the internet. Many things they put on myspace many people don't need to know. Anything You put on myspace is available to Schools, Homes, State Offices ANYWHERE! Soon whats going to happen is they will only allow people who are 18+ ( which i think is now ) but will add a place where you have to enter a credit card number and more info to approve that you are older then 18.
What is your view on myspace? yes hackers can type in a special code and hack in your computer and find out all your info on your computer, if you go on myspace. i still go on myspace and i havent had a problem yet.
What is your view on myspace? I have myspace and my neice (17) and nephew(14) do also. I talk to them on it. I would not want my child to have myspace. I am considering letting my oldest get a myccm site. That is a Christian site similar to myspace, but heavily regulated.
What is your view on myspace? I am a teen and my parents don't care.
They know that i know, not to talk to people that i dont know, or havent seen before.
I do NOT like parents that make their child share their password with them. Does their child have access to their parents Email? NO.
%26amp; Honestly i dont like people that blame Myspace for all the child molesters and such, its not Myspace's fault. ITS THEIR CHILD's FAULT.
What is your view on myspace? Myspace is definitely for adults. Even then I I have figured it is mostly immature adults. Children need to be children and they need to play outside and have playdates with friends not soend hours on a message board. There is NO positive effect coming from myspace. Have you watched the news lately at all the kids getting abducted, raped, killed just for posting too much information on myspace. If you love your child you will protect them from the internet by not letting them have adult priviledges. I pray you will make a wise decision.
What is your view on myspace? myspace is a site where you talk to people, and ya get raped.