Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How does the friend network on work?

Can someone please explain how the friends network on myspace works? Can you view your friends' friends spaces or your friends' friends' friends spaces etc? How wide is your network of friends? Are some profiles private even if they are in your network? Thank-you very much.

How does the friend network on work?

your network of friends is the people on your friends list. that is how big your network....everyone else is in your 'extended network'.....if someone has their profile set to 'private' you will most likely be able to see it only if they are on your friends list...if they are not set to 'private,' you can look at virtually anybody's profile...but i've never heard of someone being on your friends list and their profile being can however, mark your photos and blogs private from everyone including your friends.

How does the friend network on work?

If someone is in your extended network, it means they are friends with you, or one of your friends, or one of your friend's friend's, etc. It means they are connected to you through someone. However, it really is pointless considering Tom is everyone's friend, and even if you delete him, odds are one of your friends hasn't. So you're in everyone's network on myspace thanks to Tom.

PS- you can only view a private profile if that person is Your friend.

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